Saturday, July 26, 2008

In the news - NST 27.07.2008 - surat pembaca tentang PTK

I CAN quite understand the frustrations of T.L. Tuah and other teachers who failed their Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan (PTK) examination for government employees ("Teachers need a better system" -- NST, July 16).
I have no doubt that T.L. Tuah was an excellent student based on his academic achievement. But as far as I know, the PTK is a competency test and not meant to evaluate teachers on their educational knowledge. I have gone through three rounds of PTK exams since 2003. I passed the first time and I obtained a salary increment. I do not remember spending a lot of time studying for the exam. All I did was answer the questions according to my experience as a teacher.
read more on this here;

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